DEPC’s Board of Directors and working committees are made up of parents, child care providers, representatives from the school systems and human service agencies, members of the faith community and local business and government. Each member is committed to ensuring the financial and programmatic integrity of the Partnership.

Officers & Committee Chairs: 

Board Chair: Dr. Trent Mohrbutter, AVID Center

Vice Chair: Benton Moss, Simmons & Harris

Treasurer: Natalie Bess, Edgecombe County  Deputy County Manager

Secretary:  Michelle Etheridge, Edgecombe County Health Department 

CCR&R Advisory Committee Chair: Frenchy Davis, Foundation Builders Academy 

Community Outreach Committee Chair:  Leigh Daughtridge,  Monarch 

Strategic Planning Committee Chair: Dr. Trent Mohrbutter, AVID Center


Betty Battle, Edgecombe County Department of Social Services

Patricia Bell-Spruill, Step By Step Family Daycare Home

Dr. Andrew Bryan, Edgecombe County Public Schools, Designee Dr. Michael Myrick, At-Large Seat

Melissa Corso, Braswell Memorial Library

Dr. Steve Ellis, Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools, Designee Melissa Dancy-Smith, At-Large Seat

Eric Evans, Edgecombe County Manager, Designee Natalie Bess

Tanya Heath, Edgecombe Cooperative Extension

Dr. Lew Hunnicutt, Nash Community College, Designee Ryan Cox

Linda Knight, Child Care Center

Gary Lee, First Baptist Middlesex

Durell Petway, Parent, At-Large Seat

Stacie Shatzer, Nash County Manager, Designee Tia Foula

Shermekka Williams, Parent

Wendy Wilson

Robert Yarbrough, St. Mark AME Church

21 Board Members

*The Executive Committee is to be made up of the Board officers, Committee Chairs, and 3 At-Large members.

If you are interested in joining a Committee or the Board, please contact Henrietta Zalkind, Executive Director.