Executive Director
Henrietta Zalkind
Executive Director, ext. 209 hzalkind@depc.org
Lori Winstead
Operations Director, ext. 201 lwinstead@depc.org
Michelle Battle
Family Resource Center Coordinator, ext. 256 mbattle@depc.org
Derek Roberson
Family Resource Center Specialist, ext. 222 droberson@depc.org
Elsie “Marie” Daniel-Sivels
Accounting Coordinator, ext. 213 edanielsivels@depc.org
Mark Hill
Controller, ext. 211 mhill@depc.org
Larry Duffee
Budget and Contracts Manager, ext. 203 lduffee@depc.org
Tanisha Hart
Accounting Specialist, ext . 217 thart@depc.org
(Vacant) Contracts Specialist, ext. 221
Kimberly Hickerson
Program Director, ext. 202 khickerson@depc.org
Tracy Pittman
CCR&R Core Services Program Manager, ext. 204 tpittman@depc.org
Abbi Mullens
Family Services Program Manager, ext. 254 amullens@depc.org
Tiphanie Wells
Subsidy Program Manager, ext. 212 twells@depc.org
Amber Payton Family Services Coordinator I, ext. 257 apayton@depc.org
Courtney Turner
Subsidy Specialist, ext. 245 cturner@depc.orgcturner@depc.org
Bethany Lambeth
Playgroup Coordinator, ext. 270
Debra Thomas
Birth to Three Specialist, ext. 215 dthomas@depc.org
Elaine Swanson
Subsidy Specialist I, ext. 234 eswanson@depc.org
Gladys Richardson
Scholarship Coordinator, ext. 208 grichardson@depc.org
Jasmine Smith
CORE Quality Improvement Specialist, ext. 214 jsmith@depc.org
Johneshia Hunter
NC Pre-K Coordinator, ext. 219 jhunter@depc.org
Shaquana Bynum
Healthy Social Behavior Specialist, ext. 206 sbynum@depc.org
Shewanna Manning
Quality Improvement Coordinator, ext. 244 smanning@depc.org
Sonja Person
Family Services Coordinator II, ext. 241 sperson@depc.org
Family Services Specialist II, ext. 205
Research & Development
Mary Jones Research & Development Director, ext. 240 mjones@depc.org
Debra Lanham
Interim Research & Development Director, ext. 265 dlanham@depc.org
Mindi Collins Program Development Manager, ext. 235 mcollins@depc.org
Corey Mitchell
HKC Specialist, ext. 238 cmitchell@depc.org
Donia Simmons
Ready Communities Specialist, ext. 236 dsimmons@depc.org
Jackie Kearney
Community Outreach Specialist, ext. 237 jkearney@depc.org
Kelsey Mabery
Healthy Kids Specialist, ext. 247 kmabery@depc.org
Monica Dood
Communications & Development Coordinator, ext. 271 mdood@depc.org
Pamela Chapman
Evaluation Coordinator, ext. 252 pchapman@depc.org
Pattie Allen
Ready Schools WFH Support, ext. 218 pallen@depc.org
Tracy Smith Lead for America – Fellows, ext. 214 tsmith@depc.org
Viola Barnes-Gray
Ready Communities Coordinator, ext. 251 vgray@depc.org