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How do we cultivate an inclusive culture that respects, protects, and supports everyone?  This training provides a safe space to examine the fundamental principles of culture and diversity, while exploring the origins, types, impacts, and counter measures of ”bias.”  The first step to moving beyond labels is to understand that we all have implicit biases that influence our perceptions, treatment, and connections with others.  The second step is to accept our responsibility to address those biases, both within ourselves and in our environment, with the aim of nurturing a culture that values, appreciates, and celebrates all.  Coupled with an open mind, this 2-hour training can better equip participants to embrace and promote diversity and inclusion in their personal and professional lives.

Target Audience: All Early Childcare professional                                                                                                                                                                 

Wednesday, January 31, 2024 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm 

Fee and completed registration form must be received by: Tuesday January 16,2024

Down East Partnership for Children/Auditorium
215 Lexington Street Rocky Mount NC

(Capacity limited to 20)

2 contact hours |Cost $20.00 per person

Trainer: Chandra Greene, founder of TIES (Trauma, Informed Effective Strategies)

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