Looking for quality child care in Nash and Edgecombe counties?

Finding quality child care can be a difficult task, as there are many things to consider.
DEPC’s Family First Specialists are able to assist any family residing in Edgecombe, Nash, Halifax, Warren or Wilson Counties who have children ages birth-12 and are searching for quality childcare. Following are just a few things that a parent or caregiver must consider when searching for high quality childcare:
  • Child Care Center or Family Child Care Home?
  • Location of center?
  • Hours of operation?
  • Afterschool care?
  • Is transportation provided?
  • Quality indicators such as: star rated license, teacher-child interaction, curriculum, staff turn over
Family First Specialists are available to provide quality child care referrals for parents and caregivers based on information gathered that meets the needs of the whole family.


DEPC has information on almost every child care program in Edgecombe, Nash, Halifax, Warren and Wilson counties. Referrals are free and available in English. Translation services are available in Spanish by appointment only.


Specialists are available Mondays-Fridays from 9:00am-5:00pm by phone call, walk-in or appointments.


Call the Down East Partnership for Children and ask for one of our Family First Specialists at (252) 985-4300 or toll free at 1-888-285-0849.​