We are happy to report Cotton Valley is moving forward after a fire damaged its clubhouse and proceeding to host our tournament.

Please join us on April 25, 2025 or donate to support this great cause!

Welcome! Please join us by entering a team or by being a sponsor. Register early as last year’s event sold out!   It’s a great way to have fun and help support the children of Nash and Edgecombe counties!  We will once again offer a mulligan package and raffle but this year we have included those items in the cost for a team. Lunch will also be included.

Want more information about supporting next year’s event?  Call us at 252-985-4300, ext. 271 or e-mail us at or mdood@depc.org.

Thank you so much for supporting Down East Partnership for Children and its Annual “Fore Every Child” Golf Classic. We appreciate your support and participation.

Want to pay online? Click on this link for secure payment option:

Thank You to our 2024 Sponsors and Teams!