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As we approach this season of Thanksgiving, we are so grateful for you and the thousands of volunteers, community leaders, parents, teachers and grandparents who make a difference every day to improve the lives of young children and families in Nash and Edgecombe counties.
Our strategic work is reflected in every child being a healthy lifelong learner by the end of third grade. This is what drives us, this is what creates our legacy, this is what every child deserves and must have.
Thanks to your financial support this past year, we helped 5,286 children benefit from parent education & support programs and 771 children receive child care scholarships and NC Pre-K.
The need and demand for DEPC services continues to increase as we serve more and more of our young children with fewer resources. Children and families in our community are counting on us. We hope you will contribute to our critical DEPC mission. Tax-deductible contributions may be made by check (payable to DEPC) or online by clicking here.
Together we can make a difference; together we can launch every child as a healthy, lifelong learner by the end of the third grade. Thank you for all you do to improve the quality of life for kids and families. Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you and your families.

Henrietta Zalkind
DEPC Executive Director