Search for Child Care

Choosing a child care provider is one of the hardest decisions a parent will make. A Family First Counselor can help you make an informed decision about quality, licensed care for your child. We currently serve Edgecombe, Halifax, Nash, Warren and Wilson Counties.
We provide free confidential child care referrals based on your family’s needs
- Child Care Center or Family Child Care Home
- Hours of Operation
- Facility Location
- Cost of Care
DEPC Child Care Resource and Referral provides referrals and not recommendations regarding local child care options. A Regional Family First Counselor is available by phone or for walk-ins during Monday – Thursday, 9 am – 5 pm. Counselors are available Fridays by appointment only.
Our Child Care Referral Search is currently under construction, please contact us for more information at 252-985-4300.
5 Steps to Choosing Quality Childcare
Preparing to send your child to child care can be an exciting time, but can also stir up some anxious feelings for both you and your child. Following are some helpful tips for you to use as you plan for this important transition in your child’s life.
1- Get Organized Early
Start looking as far in advance as you can. No matter what type of care you are considering, a child care center or care in someone else’s home-finding the right child care option can take some time.
2- Conduct an Interview
Save time and energy by using the phone to narrow your search. To get the best response avoid calling at busy times such as arrival, departure, or lunch time.
3- Visit and Ask Questions
Make sure you visit the child care options you are considering. Be prepared to spend some time observing and asking questions.
4- Make a Choice
Think about what you saw at each visit, review your notes, and make the best choice for your child and family.
5- Stay Involved
The work isn’t over when you find good care for your child. You and your child’s caregiver are partners. Visiting and participating in events at your child’s provider sends a strong positive message. It lets your child know that you are interested in what happens during his/her day, and it lets the caregiver know that you value the relationship that she has with your child.