Registered and Ready Activity Ideas:
Talks about their feelings
Video: Feelings Poster Activity
Activity Idea:
Talk about your own feelings with your children. “Remember yesterday when the water in the bathtub would not go down the drain? Mommy got so mad and do you remember what my face looked like when I got mad? I was upset because…”
Activity Idea:
Notice when your child is feeling good, then ask them why they are feeling that way. Example: “I can tell that you are happy because you are smiling. That makes me happy too! Tell me about why you are feeling that way.”
Activity Idea:
Create a “feelings” poster with your child using magazines, photos, pictures, or drawings that show a range of emotions. At the end of the day, ask your child to point to the picture that best describes how he or she felt during the day and why.
Follows routines
Video: Following Routines
Activity Idea:
While listening to music, come up with a dance routine together. Take turns deciding on the next “move.” After practicing together, see how fast you can speed up the dance routine.
Activity Idea:
Give your child opportunities to be a responsible member of your home by including them in daily routines.
- help with daily chores
- pick out clothes in the morning
- set the table for meals
- clean up after playtime
Activity Idea:
Give child clear step-by-step instructions on what to expect each night. Do your best to be consistent with the timing and order of events. Give your child cues about what is going to happen next as you move through your nightly routine. Continue this routine into kindergarten.
Plays well with others
Video: Taking Turns
Activity Idea:
Simple board games can help children practice the social skills they need. Talking about the game as you play encourages this. For example: Whose turn is it? Can I have the dice?
Activity Idea:
Give your child opportunities for pretend play with children the same age as they are. Talk about and/or join in on their play, but do not take over. Ask questions and introduce new ideas. Pretnd play with your child when you two are alone as well.
Activity Idea:
Give your child opportunities for pretend play with children the same age as they are. Talk about and/or join in on their play, but do not take over. Ask questions and introduce new ideas. Pretend play with your child when you two are alone as well.
Enjoys looking at books and listening to stories
Video: Enjoys Looking at Books and Listening to Stories
Activity Idea:
Read with your child every day! After you read a book, take a few moments to talk about the story. Ask him/her to tell the story back to you. It’s OK to read the same books over and over. Young children love repetition. Make the puppets or stuffed animals available for imaginative play.
Activity Idea:
Set time aside each day to read with your child. Let him/her participate in book reading. Examples:
- Talk about the pictures and what they think might happen in the story.
- Ask children to tell the story back in their own words.
Activity Idea:
Let children be active participants in book reading every day. Talk with your child as you read together about the information on the cover of the book, such as title, author, and illustrator. Show children how to start reading at the beginning of the book and how to turn the pages.
“I can do it myself” & Can use school tools
Video: “I Can Do It Myself”
Activity Idea:

Activity Idea:

Activity Idea:

Preparing for Kindergarten
Going to kindergarten is one of the most important events in your child’s life. It can be exciting as you and your child anticipate going to “big school.” But it can also be a time of less than happy feelings.
You may feel sad because your child is growing up and worry about the changes that are coming. You may even feel uncertain about your new role as the parent of a school-age child. Your child may be sad about leaving familiar teachers and friends and may worry about the unknown. “What happens at big school? Where will I go to the bathroom? Will my friends be there? Who will be my teacher?”
First Things First: Basic Information
1. Public school kindergarten in North Carolina is open to all children who are 5 years old on or before August 31. Note: A private kindergarten may have a different cutoff date.
2. Locate the elementary school your child will attend. If you’re not sure, call your school district main office. To locate your child’s school and find out more information about kindergarten registration, contact your local school district:
Edgecombe County Public Schools (252) 641-2657
Nash County Public Schools (252) 985-4317
3. Contact the school to find out when and where you can register your child.
4. Ask what is required for registration. In Edgecombe and Nash counties, required documents may include:
- Proof of residency (current utility bill, deed or lease)
- Your child’s certified birth certificate
- An updated immunization record
- A completed Kindergarten Health Assessment (available at the school or health department)
5. Register your child early! This is less stressful for you and helps the school prepare for their new students.
6. Find out if there is a special day for new kindergarten students and their parents to
visit the school. And be sure to attend!
7. Ask the school if they have information that describes the skills kindergarten children
are expected to have and who you can talk to if you have concerns.
8. Ask about other information that can help you plan, such as
- Hours your child will be in school
- Breakfast, lunch and snack guidelines
- A school calendar with holiday and teacher workdays
- Bus routes and schedules
9. Make arrangements for transportation so there are no last minute problems.
10. Plan for before and after-school care and care during holidays and teacher workdays.
School-age care can be hard to find. For referrals or more information please call 252-985-4300.
This information is adapted from The Daily Parent, a newsletter for parents funded by the Citi Foundation and produced by NACCRRA (The National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies).